Hair thinning is very common these days and it deeply affects our self-confidence level. We seek help when we face extreme hair loss due to numerous factors like climatic conditions, stress-filled busy lifestyle, quality of the water we use to wash the hair, variations in the hormonal levels, and much more.
Hair loss and poor growth can also occur due to Biotin deficiency. Biotin deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency seen in the skin. Biotin is a type of Vitamin that helps your body to metabolize fats and proteins. Therefore it aids your skin and hair to stay healthy by converting carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into energy. Since biotin cannot be synthesized inside our body, we need to take biotin-rich food to increase the biotin level Biotin Vitamin is found in food items like eggs, meats, fish, legumes, mushrooms, etc. Our lifestyle, medication, stress and various other reasons lower the biotin levels in our body.
Biotin is also called Vitamin H. H for "Haar Und Hout" which means Hair and Skin in German Language. Thus Biotin helps you to get healthy nails and skin too. Hair discoloration and thinning are the most commonly seen symptoms that indicate Biotin Deficiency. Biotin is very essential for regaining hair strength and volume, promoting hair growth, and also getting rid of dandruff and dandruff-related itchy scalp problem.
Biotin Treatment nourishes the hair follicles and helps to increase your hair growth. Though there aren't any side effects of Biotin, it is very essential to consult a professional for Biotin Treatment. Anyway, excessive production of this vitamin is not good for the body. Get the best Biotin Treatment in Kochi from Re-Hair Transplantation, the most advanced hair transplant clinic in Kerala. Re-Hair offers the best hair transplantation in Kerala and solutions to all hair-related problems under one roof. Being the leading brand for the best transplantation in Kochi, Re-Hair provides high-quality advanced treatments for hair growth and hair transplantation. Re-Hair ensures expert guidance for biotin treatment and helps to regain the beauty of your hair.